• We believe in one God, Creator of heaven and earth: Spirit, Light; Love and Truth; eternal, Almighty, infallible, and unchangeable. Infinitely wise, just and holy.
• We believe that God eternally exists and manifests Himself to us in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ
• We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God, the eternal Word manifested in the flesh.
• We believe that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, true God and true Man.
• We believe in His vicarious, substitutionary, and redeeming death; Christ receiving in Himself the penalty of man’s sin.
• We believe in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and in His personal and visible return and in the final consummation of God’s purpose in grace toward all mankind.
The Holy Spirit
• We believe in the Holy Spirit, in His personality, that He is God;
• God’s work is to convict of sin, regenerate, indwell, and set apart the believer to a holy walk.
• He is the Teacher of God’s Word and the Guide for our daily life.
The Bible
• We believe in the Holy Bible, consisting of 66 Books of the Old and New Testament; its verbal inspiration of God and in the original writings inerrant, and in the supreme and final authority in life and faith.
• We believe that man was created in the image of God, after His likeness, but the whole human race fell in the fall of Adam.
• We believe that all men are lost until they accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior – that they are darkened in their understanding,
alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, hardened in heart, and morally and spiritually dead through their trespass and sin.
• They must be born again.
• We believe that we are saved solely by grace through faith; that we are quickened by the renewing and cleansing work of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God.
Eternal Security and Eternal Punishment
• We believe in the eternal security and everlasting blessedness of the saved and the eternal punishment through the judgment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
The Devil
• We believe that Satan is a person; the author of The Fall; and that he shall be eternally punished.
Final Resurrection and Judgment
• We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life; the lost to eternal punishment.
The Church
• We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ consists of those who in this dispensation truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
• It is the body and bride of Christ which He loves and for which He gave Himself.
• That all the members of the Church should seek to win others to Christ even “to the uttermost parts of the earth.”
• And that the members must live holy, separated lives, forsaking all that might bring reproach or dishonor to God and a weakened testimony.
Key Definitions
Communicates that Christ’s death had value on behalf of others outside of Himself. His vicarious death was a sacrificial act with results accruing to the benefit or advantage of others. His substitutionary death was for the sake of others.
Any act, attitude, or disposition that is contrary to goodness. God’s truth is the standard for righteousness.
Made spiritually alive in and through Christ.
The Fall
Adam and Eve’s initial sin of disobedience resulted in guilt, shame, and the corruption of human nature.
Authenticated evidence of a state of being.